
About the Books


How to Help Yourself to Be Who You Want to Be is a signpost or guide to point the way. It offers suggestions and resources for you to decide what is the best course for you, thus encouraging you to understand yourself, know yourself, and based on that, take action. Its purpose is for you to empower yourself by taking back the power that, at some point in your life, you relinquished and thus became a victim. But now you’re ready to be a victim no more. It points the way, but the journey must be yours. It incorporates views, opinions, observations, experiences, and lessons gleaned over a lifetime.



I was told that the purpose of this book is to help people learn and understand how invisible helpers on the other side work to teach, guide and help you and how you can invoke their help. It is important for people to be reminded of this as humanity transitions into the new world and things shift, because it may be a difficult and confusing period when many will feel lost unless you can recall what you all know at the soul level but very often forget in your human journey.

So, here I am with this topic and related stories for my book, while the previous draft will be used in another format when this is completed. As I switched gears, I started to see why this had to be changed. This is a format that will encourage self-study and self-reflection to provide a deeper understanding, which is the need of the hour. The previous topic will better serve as a dialogue or a conversation rather than a book.

This book includes stories that various people from different walks of life shared with me about how they have received help from unknown sources. They have been kind enough to give me permission to share their stories, because their vision of reaching out to those who may be struggling with difficult situations in their life aligned with mine. People who believe that others may take inspiration from knowing that they too have struggled, reached out to invoke help and have received help…to know that they are not alone. Some have chosen to remain anonymous, while others have shared their names and what they do. It will also help people to understand that ‘no’ is also a valid answer which is not necessarily a denial of help but an act of love, just as a parent might deny a child something that the child thinks is a toy but which the parent knows will hurt the child much more than the pain of being deprived of what the child is asking for.